You CRUSHED our goal twelve hours early with a mind-blowing $5,130! So, as promised, I am going to lift this young man with my beard this Friday:
Best of all, YOU CAN SEE IT LIVE! That’s right: Chicago’s own Gapers Block will be sponsoring my very last lift this Friday at Emmit’s Pub as part of their monthly get-together. Be there at 8pm to witness the end of an era. And by era I mean beard. And by end I mean the horrific tearing of hair from face. HOORAY!
On behalf of Off the Street Club, Kay Daly, Will Kelly, and myself: thanks so much to all who donated! You folks are amazing. Come on out and see the terrible fruit of your labor!
You heard right! My fifth lift will be at Baking for the Taking HQ, where I’m going to lift 37 pounds of… something. Bags of flour? Rolling pins? A Cuisinart? Who knows? Post your suggestions in the comments!

This robot triceratops is 37 pounds of awesome.
Wow, we’re really getting up there, aren’t we? As of last night, we raised $3,160.00, so this Friday I’ll be lifting a whopping 31 pounds with my beard! I don’t know what else to say about that except: YIKES!
So now you’re really going to have to get creative! What should I lift? How about a nice 31-pound piece of fish?
Make your own suggestions in the comments!
Holy cow! A HUGE last-minute surge cracked $2,000 just in time for Friday’s lift on the WGN Morning News at 8:45am! So come on, people, put my beard to the test: what 20 pound object should I lift on Friday?
For reference, this is what a 20 pound hamburger looks like:

Well, we couldn’t keep it a secret any longer: my third official lift will be Friday, February 27th on WGN Morning News! I’ll be joined by some of the kids from Off the Street Club, so there will be plenty of help on hand when my beard fails in catastrophic fashion live on television.
You can help make my worst nightmare come true! Donate today!
UPDATE: WGN is running promos already!
It’s that time again: midnight on a Wednesday! So far, we’ve raised an incredible $1,545.00, so that means I’ll be lifting a 15 pound object on Friday!
Even more insane: I’ll be doing this lift in front of 3,000 people at the UIC Pavilion! Tickets are available online or at the door, so if you want to see my beard fail in spectacular fashion live and in person, come on out!
Now the real question: What will I lift? That’s up to you! Make your suggestions in the comments! Can you beat the hilarity of last week’s Millennium Falcon? I’d like to see you try!
It’s official: The Windy City Rollers have graciously invited me to perform Friday’s lift at the UIC Pavilion in front of 3,000 people! See some incredible roller derby action AND my lift live and in person! Tickets are available now online or at the door.
What will I lift? As always: it’s up to you! Your donations will determine the weight, so if you want to see my beard fail in spectacular fashion in front of thousands of screaming Chicagoans, now’s the time to make your donation!
It’s official: we’ve raised $701 dollars as of midnight Eastern February 11th, so the first lift will be an object weighing 7 pounds! What should I lift on Friday? Comment on this post with your suggestions!
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