Click here to join in the ridiculousness!
I knew there was an affinity there, but apparently it’s a deep and abiding love! Chicago icon and co-founder of Featherproof Books Jonny Mess invited me to help celebrate the release of Patrick Somerville’s novel “The Cradle” with a special lift at The Book Cellar, and their incredible, literature-loving attendees donated an amazing $155 to see me lift a giant jar of rocks and a chair! Thanks so much, everybody! Some screenshots from the video:
Thanks again to Jonathan Messinger and Zach Dodson at Featherproof Books, Colleen O’Brien and Patrick Somerville for letting me share the stage, and all the good people at The Book Cellar for hosting the event!
Bo Henry, art director for Caroline, captured his beard in a particularly good mood:
How awesome is this? Baking for the Taking is making COMMEMORATIVE CUPCAKES in honor of The Beard! And even better, for every dozen you buy, they’ll donate $10 to Off the Street Club! Look at these beautiful, tasty treats:
If you like cupcakes, beards, kids, or any combination of the three, order a box today from Baking for the Taking and tell ’em The Beard sent you! Schedule a pickup right from the bakery at 5740 N. Milwaukee here in Chicago or have them DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR anywhere in Chicago for just $5! It’s the yummiest way possible to help the kids of Chicago!
UPDATE: Marisa says you can even customize your cakes! Here’s the full menu; I can personally vouch for the red velvet! Any questions? Call Baking for the Taking direct: (773) 951-5025.
Ta da! Lift 4 was 31 pounds, and The Beard did not disappoint! I lifted a Gary Fisher Tarpon mountain bike, courtesy of Will Kelly, official Beard Wrangler. More pics and video later, but here’s a snap of the big lift in downtown Evanston!
This one hurt, but you can ease the pain by making a donation to Off the Street Club right now!
Special thanks to Will Kelly, Adam Perrone, and Kay Daly for helping set this one up!
Wow, we’re really getting up there, aren’t we? As of last night, we raised $3,160.00, so this Friday I’ll be lifting a whopping 31 pounds with my beard! I don’t know what else to say about that except: YIKES!
So now you’re really going to have to get creative! What should I lift? How about a nice 31-pound piece of fish?Make your own suggestions in the comments!
We’ve seen some incredible beards so far, but this one takes the cake. It’s the Windy City Rollers’ own Double Crossers lifting RATS with their BEARDS!
Best of all, they just raised $17 for Off the Street Club with just scissors and floss! You can too!
I’ll keep donating until we have 1,000 big, bushy, beautiful beards! Join in the ridiculousness today!
Hey, everyone! The Beard will make a special appearance this week in Time Out Chicago: here’s hoping some duct-tape wallets will show The Beard some love!
Special thanks to Christopher Piatt, Jake Malooley, and Michael Jarecki for the shoot!
An excellent presentation that is both accurate and helpful.
A great beard fan video set to the song “Beard Lust” by Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head!
Wow! Lift 3 is in the can! For my 20-pound lift, Steve and the rest of the WGN stagehands went nuts finding random stuff for me to lift, all snug and secure in one of the world-famous “Bozo’s Grand Prize Game” buckets! The items included:
Best of all, some kids from Off the Street Club came out to lend a hand: OTSC’s current Boy and Girl of the Year, Dashawn, age 13, and Deasha, age 13; plus Davion, age 8 and Ashanti, age 8. I couldn’t have done it without them!
Here’s the piece that aired live, straight from the WGN Morning News website!
Good times! Thanks to Larry Potash, Paul Konrad, and Kathryn Janicek for getting us on the air! If you liked the segment, send them a thank you!
UPDATE: Some behind-the-scenes pics courtesy of Beard Wrangler Will Kelly.
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